Skin Allergy Guide

Redness. Swelling. Burning. Bumps. Itching. Flaking. Not only can skin allergies cause discomfort, but the effects can upend your daily routine and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance.

Skin Allergy Guide

Redness. Swelling. Burning. Bumps. Itching. Flaking. Not only can skin allergies cause discomfort, but the effects can upend your daily routine and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance.

Types of Skin Allergic Reactions

Skin allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a harmless substance, typically causing rashes and often causing itching. Some of the most common skin allergies include:

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis — This irritation is a reaction to something touching your skin. These rashes feature raised blisters and bumps, and can be very painful and itchy.

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Hives — Hives are bumps or welts that form from allergic reactions. They can last for up to six weeks.

Your Environment Can be a Factor

Many things can cause skin allergies, including latex, food, plants, jewellery and environmental factors. You can minimize your chances of having a skin allergy reaction by monitoring your environment.

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Look Out for Plants with Three Leaves or More

Poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac reactions affect close to 50 million people a year. While plants with three leaves are a common indicator, contact dermatitis makes its home on plants with five, seven and nine leaves, too. If you come in contact with poison ivy, a thorough hand wash with soap and water right after exposure may remove the sticky substance (urushiol) that triggers the rash.

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Check the Temperature

Everybody is different — especially when it comes to skin allergy triggers. For some people, hot weather can be a trigger. For other folks, cold, dry weather can trigger reactions. Colder weather can dry out skin and leave people vulnerable to a reaction.

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Watch the Sun

For some sufferers, the sun can be helpful in the form of ultraviolet ray treatments. However, for others, sunlight can be a trigger. Figure out what your triggers are. Grab a hat and wear some baggy clothes if the sun wakes up your allergy. Certain chemicals in sunscreens can be triggers, too.

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Plan for Pollen, Pet Dander and Dust Mites

Pollen, pet dander and dust mites can do more than make your nose run and your eyes itch. If these allergens are triggers for you, keep pets out of your bedroom, use plastic dust-mite covers with your bedding, keep your house spotless, close your windows and consider the time of day you go outside to avoid pollen and other allergens.

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What’s in the Water

Salt in seawater and chlorine can irritate people and trigger rashes. Additionally, aquagenic urticaria is a rare form of hives that causes a rash to appear after touching water.

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Treatment Options

There are several ways to treat skin allergies. You should avoid scratching at all costs because that can cause further irritation . Ointments and cream can provide relief. Medication like antihistamines help at alleviating symptoms, including Clarityn. Speak to you pharmacists to find out more about your condition.

Clarityn® products come in multiple forms for kids and adults and relieve skin allergy symptoms such as itchiness and hives resulting from chronic idiopathic urticaria .